Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Signing Off

As this is my last post, I would like to reflect on the Media Journal. I found it to be fun and eye opening. Some of my favorite topics were discussing the Mickey Mouse Monopoly, Political Bias in the Media, and the Control Room. These were controversial topics and the Media Journal gave us a chance to have our own soap box to talk about our opinions and feelings on the issues.

I do wish we could have discussed more the medias reaction and response to the Iraq War. I feel that the war is largely media driven. We don't hear from the soldiers or generals on the ground very often so we only have the media to tell us what is going on. I also find it interesting how different networks can produce two different outlooks on the same event. It would of been fun to dive deeper into this subject.

I also wish that instead of having a couple entries due in one night and none other night we could of spread them out so we had one per day. That would of made it easier to get into a routine. Sometimes I would forget to check to see if we had any due.

Other than those two small things I really enjoyed the Media Journal and felt it really added to the class and my experience.

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