Sunday, June 15, 2008


The film a saw most recent on this list for the first time was Casablanca. We had to watch it for an intersession class. I really wasn't looking forward to seeing it. I thought it would be dry and dull but fortunatly I was wrong. Casablanca it very good movie that keeps you guessing. Everytime you think you have figured out what is going to happen next the characters surprise you.
In World War II Casablanca, Rick Blaine, an exiled American and former freedom fighter, runs the most popular nightspot in town. Cynical Blaine comes into the possession of two valuable letters. When Nazi Major Strasser arrives in Casablanca, the police Captain Renault does what he can to please him, including detaining Czech underground leader Victor Laszlo. Much to Rick's surprise, Lazslo arrives with Ilsa, Rick's one time love. Rick is very bitter towards Ilsa, who ran out on him in Paris, but when he learns she had good reason to, they "plan" to run off together again using the letters of transit.
This movie is ranked third on the AFI Top 100 list and has been known for years as a classic. Movie lovers should definetly pick this one up.

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