Monday, June 2, 2008

Mickey Mouse Monopoly

This is an image from the Lion King. In the movie Nala frequently shows her physical dominance over Simba (the hero). Throughout the movie she is able to take care of herself as well as put Simba in his place which contradicts the film Mickey Mouse Monopoly. The female character in this movie is shown standing up to the male characters and being able to defend herself. She is not the stereotypical helpless female.

I found myself agreeing and disagreeing with parts of the film. I think Disney does have a problem with their gender role representation. (even though I contradicted it in the first paragraph). The vast majority of the movies portray women as beautiful, sexual, helpless against man, and always needing a man to rescue them. As the woman in America has changed Disney's portrayal has stayed the same. This can be alarming with the massive number of young kids watching these movies and idolizing them. Todays society puts enough pressure on people to look and act a certain way and I don't think Disney should enhance that.

With all that being said it is job of parents to monitor what their children are watching and openly discuss the these things with them. As long as the child has a healthy understanding of reality and fantasy then there is no reason they can't be entertained by Disney's movies.

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