Monday, June 9, 2008


Newspapers have been a solid part of our culture since the founding of this nation. It use to be the best medium to communicate with the masses. However with growing technology the Newspaper industry has taken a huge hit. Readership all over the country is down and more people are getting their news online. With this growing trend some of speculated that in 5 years daily newspapers will be extinct and will be entirely online.

I agree that this trend in newspaper readership looks bleak for the newspaper industry but I do not believe newspapers will go away in the near future or at all. There is something special to Americans about waking up in the morning, brewing a cup of coffee, and reading the morning paper. I do not for see this going away anytime soon. It might dwindle to the point that newspapers are only going out once or twice a week but I still believe the newspaper will be around.

I also think the country is fascinated with Newspaper headline. We love to see what the headline is going to be on the front page the day after the Superbowl, a big election, or a catastrophic event. These front pages are entombed in our culture and carry the events of our time. I do not feel this is going to go away anytime soon.

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